Second Time Arounders Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to the Second Time Arounders! 2022marks the40th Anniversary of this fabulous band! We’re glad you’re joining us to perform!
Here some FAQs that will provide some answers for you; if not, please contact us at to ask your question about joining, or the upcoming season!
Rehearsals and Registration Deadlines:
- The Rounders complete rehearsal & performance calendar can be viewed by selecting the Calendar link on the Rounders website: 2022 will be updated late Summer/early Fall.
- Rehearsals for the band typically begin at 7PM and dismiss around 9:15pm. We ask you arrive early for any “band business” and be in your seats by 7PM. Bring a music stand!
- 2022 dates will be updated late Summer/early Fall.
- Locations are always on our calendar. This year MOST of our rehearsals are at the Pinellas Park Performing Arts Center (musicians) 4951 78th Ave N Pinellas Park. Our marching rehearsal is likely at Admiral Farragut Academy (see calendar). Auxiliary & Percussion have a variety of locations as communicated by your lead!
- In order for the Rounders to perform at the high level we are known for, all musicians are expected to be at all practices. If it becomes necessary for you to miss one practice, you will need to clear it in advance with your section leader (“shepherd”). This is a fun all-volunteer organization but we just cannot have a band without full rehearsal attendance!
- In that our Auxiliary units & Percussion have additional rehearsals that the band does not, attendance policy will be set by your leads.
2022 Fall Rehearsal and performance schedule can be found on the Rounders Calendar. You can find that link on the front page of this website.
- All performing members must be “registered” for the season. Registration can be found on our website beginning in September.
- Membership Donations: When you register to join, you are asked to donate to help defray operating expenses for this year. Your membership donations help offset costs of buses, rehearsals, insurance, cost of music arrangements, web hosting fees, and 501(c)(3) annual non-profit corporation registration fees, instrument repair, venue applications, etc., etc. All “entertainment” expenses are totally separate donations from individual members.
How to Obtain Your Music:
- A section password to print your music will be emailed to you after you register successfully for 2022. Please allow a day or two as these will come from your section leads. To find the link to your section’s music, select “Member Info – Music” on the Rounders website.
- Music – How to Download Music Clips or Listen to Music Clips On the Rounders’ website: click on the “Member Info – Music,” then look for “Link to Practice Clips Here.” You’ll see all of the music clips to either play or download to play later. There is no password needed to hear or download these rehearsal clips.
Auxiliaries – How to Access Your Rehearsal Videos: In the future, on the Rounders’ website, Auxiliaries will be able to click on the “Member Info” tab, then “Auxiliary Organization,” then on your specific group. You’ll see a “Rehearsal Video” link that will require a password (from your Lead). In the meantime, your leads will provide the video’s where they apply!
Uniforms for All Groups: Also under “Member Info – Uniforms / Merchandise” tab, you’ll see all of the specific uniform for musicians. Auxiliaries will have uniform info available at their first rehearsal. Each member is expected to follow uniform guidelines in order to perform with the Rounders; no exceptions. Band members (musicians, letters, Banner) wear blue “Docker-Style” pants, white shoes and socks, black belt, and the Rounders Red shirt!
Social? Year-round the band has a number of fundraising and social events including a chili cook-off, Oktoberfest, Holiday party, and more. Members celebrate the band near year-round if they choose to!